Autore: Ciammariconi, Anna
Titolo: Farmaci, lobbying e regolamentazione
Periodico: Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo
Anno: 2022 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 687 - Pagina finale: 702

Drug – due to its intrinsic nature and function – is a peculiar good. Its regulation is both multi-directional and multi-level, and underlines the plurality of legal aspects and various levels of government involved. In this framework, the research of an equilibrium – conducted by policy-makers – between the different interested dimensions cannot be disjunct from pharmaceutical lobbies’ activities. Actions and instruments used to influence policy-makers are identifiable both inside the drug productive process and outside of it. Economic resources destined by pharmaceutical lobbies to influence public decisions are huge. The recent events linked to the regulations of intellectual property for anti-coronavirus vaccines have put again the attention on the need for transparency in lobbying activities, due to their unequal repercussions and the increase of distance between the North and the South of the world.

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SICI: 1720-4313(2022)3<687:FLER>2.0.ZU;2-K
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