Autore: Macrì, Gianfranco
Titolo: Il lobbying religioso. Il caso italiano
Periodico: Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo
Anno: 2022 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 669 - Pagina finale: 686

This paper contributes to the analysis of the most relevant characteristics of religious lobbying in the context of the wider debate on interest groups concerning their political influence and the need to define clear legal boundaries to their actions through legislative initiatives. To this extent, the case of Italy is of particular interest considering the wider European context. In this paper an analysis is offered with particular focus on the current Italian legal ecosystem where both a general law on lobbies and a general law on freedom of religion or belief are lacking.

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SICI: 1720-4313(2022)3<669:ILRICI>2.0.ZU;2-6
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Università degli studi [Padova] : Polo di Scienze sociali : Biblioteca di Scienze Statistiche "Bernardo Colombo"
Via Cesare Battisti, 241/243
35121 - Padova