Autore: Gorlani, Mario
Titolo: Le politiche abitative regionali e il requisito della residenza qualificata: un monito della Corte convincente e, in un certo senso, conclusivo
Periodico: Le regioni
Anno: 2020 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 584 - Pagina finale: 598

Starting from the reconstruction of the constitutional jurisprudenceon prolonged residence as a selective and excluding criterion of access toregional social housing policies, the essay develops a comment on the sentencen. 44 of 2020, that has strengthened the orientation of the Courtstrongly critical towards the use of such criterion in this sector, as it is asource of unjustified discrimination and because it is extraneous to the ratioof these regulations and policies. The judgement of the Court, according tothe author, can represent a conclusive point for the future choices of regionallegislation.

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SICI: 0391-7576(2020)3<584:LPAREI>2.0.ZU;2-G
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Università degli studi "Roma Tre". Biblioteca di area umanistica 'Giorgio Petrocchi'. Biblioteca 'G. Apollinaire'
via Valco di San Paolo
00142 - Roma