Autore: Carrière, Paolo
Titolo: L'opera d'arte nell'ordinamento finanziario italiano
Periodico: Banca impresa società
Anno: 2018 - Volume: 37 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 513 - Pagina finale: 551

In times where artworks represent, and are more and more offered as, investment opportunities, it is worth paying thorough attention to the relationships that may arise in connection with the current financial legal and regulatory framework. From a theoretical perspective, at least, the current Italian legal infrastructure appears suitable to give room for full deployment of the potential that artworks may develop in the scope of consolidated operational models and instruments, such as «investment funds»; on the other hand, appropriate consideration deserves the fact that, today, many transactions concerning artworks - where considered in a financial prospective - may be interested by the complex legal system of «reserved activities» and by the stringent regulations covering all areas of the finance sector.

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SICI: 1120-9453(2018)37:3<513:LDNFI>2.0.ZU;2-N
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