Autore: Leenknegt, Gert-Jan
Titolo: Militant democracy under a thin constitution. The constitutional position of anti-system parties in the Netherlands
Periodico: Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo
Anno: 2015 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 713 - Pagina finale: 736

The essay deals with the phenomenon of antisystem parties in the Netherlands within the broader context of the regulation of parties under Dutch Law. The Author underlines that the Dutch political culture has prevented extremist or populist parties from realizing radical or anti-democratic ideas. Nonetheless, the recent emerging of extremist movements call for stricter rules and new instruments to struggle against extremism. The Author argues that the Dutch approach tends to be one of trust towards the ability of democracy itself to withstand anti-democratic forces.

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SICI: 1720-4313(2015)3<713:MDUATC>2.0.ZU;2-V
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