Autore: Groppi, Tania
Titolo: La costituzione tunisina del 2014 nel quadro del "costituzionalismo globale"
Periodico: Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo
Anno: 2015 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 189 - Pagina finale: 220

The article deals with the 2014 constitution of Tunisia, that has been deeply influenced by global standards. In the first part, the article deals with the category of "global constitutionalism", defining it as the spread of the "constitutional state" worldwide, after the II WW. In the second part, it analyzes the Tunisian constitution, looking for the features that can be considered part of the "global constitutionalism" and for those that seem to express some specificities related to the local identity. It concludes maintaining that the constitutional identity of a country should be considered as a mix of both sides, global and local.

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SICI: 1720-4313(2015)1<189:LCTD2N>2.0.ZU;2-2
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