Autore: Bianco, Adele
Titolo: Apprendistato, formazione e politiche attive del lavoro. Osservazioni sulla legge n. 78 del 2014
Periodico: Lavoro e diritto
Anno: 2014 - Fascicolo: 4 - Pagina iniziale: 647 - Pagina finale: 668

The aim of this paper is focused on a specific topic of the Active Labour Market Policies targeting young people: training. Particularly the author pays attention to training in the apprenticeships contract, as it has been reformed by Act no. 78/2014 of the Renzi Government. Firstly, she analyzes the difficulties of the economic and productive structure; and then the measure the International Organizations and the Eu are asking to promote training, considered a strategic support of the s.c. employability. Particularly, young people are considered to be an important category deserving great care, because they have been heavily affected by the 2007-2013 crisis, and because investing in them means to invest in the future of the economic and productive structure. As regards to the Italian situation, the author focuses on youth employment and the results of the training received by young people. Finally, some brief concluding remarks are proposed about the measures taken in this regard by the Renzi Government, which, however, appears not to enhance the training.

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SICI: 1120-947X(2014)4<647:AFEPAD>2.0.ZU;2-P
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