Autore: Pedrazzoli, Marcello
Titolo: Assiologia del lavoro e fondamento della Repubblica: il lavoro è una "formazione sociale"?
Periodico: Quaderni costituzionali
Anno: 2011 - Fascicolo: 4 - Pagina iniziale: 969 - Pagina finale: 988

At the highest degree of abstraction, the analysis of the normative relevance of labour gains a constitutional relevance because it overlaps with the issue of the Italian Republic being founded on labour. Art. 1, par. 1 of the Italian Constitution (Italy is a democratic Republic founded on labour) has been completely enfranchised from the class rationale that originally inspired it when it is interpreted in order to recognize labour as a «founding element» that pertains to the individuals' freedom and its development. Having said this, labour is herein defined first of all according to art. 4, par. 2 of the Constitution, which considers it a duty with a strong normative effect, and secondly also according to art. 2 of the Constitution which mentions social groups. Indeed labour should be considered a social group where human personality is expressed or, better, the first among these groups because the Italian Republic itself is founded on labour. By adopting this perspective, one could identify a series of meta-positivistic criteria to control the normative element and therefore help understand the contemporary pluriverse of jobs by setting coordinates and limits that are able to contrast a dehumanizing trend in the present setting. In fact, if compared to life labour is not a means but rather an aim as part of the progressive absorption of politics in the economy.

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SICI: 0392-6664(2011)4<969:ADLEFD>2.0.ZU;2-X
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