Autore: Balandi, Gian Guido
Titolo: Diritto del mercato del lavoro e diritto del lavoro
Periodico: Lavoro e diritto
Anno: 2008 - Volume: 22 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 217 - Pagina finale: 221

The author stresses how labour market regulation, from being a marginal chapter in Labour Law handbooks, has become a principal point of view, mainly in connection with the debate on employment strategies, at European and domestic level. Also the rules related to the contract of employment has been recently evaluated - and some of them actually reformed - from the point of view of their impact on labour market. The issue proposed to the discussion concerns precisely the role of labour law in a modern legal system: to balance legally the unbalanced social power of employer and employee or to support employment strategies. The former is the expressed choice of the author.

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SICI: 1120-947X(2008)22:2<217:DDMDLE>2.0.ZU;2-9
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