Autore: Baylos Grau, Antonio
Titolo: Concertazione sociale e contrattazione in Spagna: modelli a confronto.
Periodico: Lavoro e diritto
Anno: 2002 - Volume: 16 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 455 - Pagina finale: 481

The author goes first into the importance of social consensus in the construction of a democratic system of industrial relations in Spain. He then describes the labour market reform of 1993-1994, which was enacted without the trade unions consensus. Social dialogue came back with the reforms of 1997, following the national elections wan by the centre-right wing party of President Aznar. In its first phase, the attempt is, however, that of creating an independent system of regulation of both industrial relations and occupation, based on the agreement between trade unions and employers without the government's mediation. In the second phase of the process of restoration of social dialogue, which takes into account the absolute majority wan in Parliament by the Popular Party, a confrontation between old and new ways of managing industrial relations is to be faced.

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SICI: 1120-947X(2002)16:3<455:CSECIS>2.0.ZU;2-F
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