Between sociology and political economy: Pizzorno’s analytical toolkit in the study of labour conflicts and trade union action |
Confronting legacies of white dominance: Challenges to inclusive worker organizing through the storytelling of Amazon warehouse workers |
The diverse faces of labour power |
Labour movement: Old and new problems of representation |
Perché è poco probabile che un ciclo di lotte operaie come quello del 1968-1972 in Europa occidentale si ripeta neppure in altri paesi |
Power resource theory and the 21st century US labor movement |
A power resource theory for contemporary capitalism: Why power and workers still matter |
A renewed centrality of power resources and why this matters |
Some challenges to labour market and industrial relations scholars |
Still the resurgence of class conflict? New identities, new interests, new worker mobilisations in the work of Alessandro Pizzorno |
Arene e attori del policy dismantling. La parabola del Dibattito Pubblico in Italia |
The art and craft of vaccination policy against Covid-19 in five EU countries |
Occupational change and geographical inequality: A comparison between «Central» and «Marginal» Areas in Italy |
I sentieri dell’innovazione. Aprendo la black box dei vaccini proteici contro il Covid-19 |
Three times disadvantaged? Labor market participation among migrant mothers in Italy |
Democrazia e tecnocrazie. Attori, contingenze e confini (ambigui) |
The first pandemic year: Continuity or change in two Italian Regional Healthcare Systems? |
Notizie sui collaboratori |
Persistent structures, uneven policies. The politics of enforcement and forbearance towards informal employment in Italy |
La regolazione del lavoro che invecchia: la rappresentanza dei lavoratori over 50 nei contratti collettivi in Italia |
Ripoliticizzare le politiche: concetti e strumenti della "Historical Materialist Policy Analysis" |