History of education & children's literature  -  fascicolo 17

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'School Memories between Social Perception and Collective Representation'. Un progetto di ricerca innovativo e a marcata vocazione internazionale
History of education & children's literature - 2022
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Books as tools of spiritual solace and religious education during World War One
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The Polish College in Beirut in 1946-1948
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L’editrice La Scuola e l’educazione infantile ai primi del Novecento. Dalla rubrica per gli asili di 'Scuola italiana moderna' alla nascita di 'Pro Infantia' nel 1913
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Narration and identity construction in the practice of autobiography. Two cases of female narratives: Ida Baccini and Elena Raffalovich Comparetti
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Aspectos didácticos presentes en libros de aritmética publicados en castellano en el siglo 16.
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La Charte de l’Ecole de Giuseppe Bottai
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Julián Caparrós-Morata y Juan José Arévalo-Bermejo. La vinculación epistolar entre dos educadores de amplia conciencia política y social
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La literatura fantástica del 19. latinoamericano en la conformación de la ciudadanía maravillosa. La construcción pedagógica de la comunidad imaginada
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Everyday life of teachers and students at the Russian School in Paris in the mirror of 1920s-1930s correspondence
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Maestros y diputados. El compromiso político del magisterio catalán, 1932 y 1980
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Revisitar las políticas educativas en Espana y Portugal en el ocaso de sus dictaduras (1970-1973)
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The role of female university students of the FUCI within the Italian universities during fascism and post-war reconstruction
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L’evoluzione della rappresentazione di Giovanni Cena nella memoria pubblica (1918-1927)
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Le origini del periodico 'Pro Infantia' alla luce di alcuni documenti d’archivio
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Panorama della ricerca storico pedagogica 2020-2021
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Un progetto ambizioso tra passato e presente: la nuova collana 'Clasicos de la Educacion'
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L’editoria religiosa e i manuali educativi di Maria Vincenti: un recente volume di Rita Fresu e Stefania Sotgi
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Educazione e carità fra modelli del passato e cambiamento sociale. La leggenda del 'santo educatore'
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Il museo scolastico fra storia, memoria e progettualità educativa. A proposito di un recente volume
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Le vicende della storica casa editrice SEI di Torino. Riflessioni storiografiche
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Il viaggio delle idee: 'le scienze della natura' alla Montesca, tra Lucy Latter, Maria Montessori e Giuseppe Lombardo Radice
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'May you have a special thought of appealing to your husband'. An analysis of women’s educational schemes in the 18th-century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on the example of a premarital instruction written for Anna Jablonowska nee Sanguszko (1739-1766)
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Evolution of the image of the hero in English children’s literature: a study of english fairy tales and Harry Potter
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S. Makarenko: 'the father' of the Soviet pedagogy
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'Le querce non fanno limoni'. Mutamenti scolastici e sociali nelle testimonianze orali relative agli anni Cinquanta, Sessanta e Settanta
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T. Petrucciani, Per una più mite servitù. Protezione degli animali e civilizzazione degli italiani (1800-1913), Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2020 [Recensione]
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Edmondo De Amicis, Il Romanzo d’un Maestro, a cura di Anna Ascenzi e Roberto Sani, Pisa, ETS, 2021 [Recensione]
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Presentazione ufficiale delle banche dati sulla memoria scolastica. A proposito del quinto seminario nazionale PRIN (Roma, 5 novembre 2021) 557 International Referees’ Committee (2022)
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