Journal of contemporary history  -  fascicolo 58

Risultato della ricerca: (14 titoli )

Unpacking Western Anticolonialism: Jagi-Jagi and the Second Spanish Republic, 1931-6
Journal of contemporary history - 2023
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Democratic Planning and its Pitfalls: E. H. Carr, Harold B. Butler, and the Interwar Crisis
Journal of contemporary history - 2023
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Nationalist Interests in the Intellectual Cooperation Work of the League of Nations: The Case of Portugal
Journal of contemporary history - 2023
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Power and Survival in KL Mauthausen:The spanish Case
Journal of contemporary history - 2023
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A Reappraisal of the Origins of European Integration: From Wartime Planning to the Schuman Plan
Journal of contemporary history - 2023
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'Doomed to Fail': Dutch and West German Consulates Warning Against Mixed Marriages, 1950s-70s
Journal of contemporary history - 2023
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European Defence Planning: Concorde, Franco-British Politico-Military Relations and the Cold War, 1956-68
Journal of contemporary history - 2023
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A Turkish Mayor Goes to Moscow: Vedat Dalokay and Development Politics in the 1970s
Journal of contemporary history - 2023
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'This Country is Done': Fair Housing Discourse in Suburban Westchester
Journal of contemporary history - 2023
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Book Review: Kindred Spirits: Friendship and Resistance at the Edges of Modern Catholicism by Brenna Moore [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2023
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Book Review: Survivors: Warsaw Under Nazi Occupation by Jadwiga Biskupska [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2023
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Book Review: Comrades in Conflict: Labour, The Trade Unions and 1969's In Place of Strife by Peter Dorey [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2023
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Book Review: Socialism Goes Global: The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the Age of Decolonization by James Mark, Paul Betts, Alena Alamgir, Péter Apor, Eric Burton, Bogdan C. Iacob, Steffi Marung and Radina Vucetic [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2023
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Book Review: Collapse. The Fall of the Soviet Union by Vladislav M. Zubok [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2023
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