Journal of contemporary history  -  fascicolo 47

Risultato della ricerca: (10 titoli )

Sites of Convergence. The USSR and Communist Eastern Europe at international fairs abroad and at home [Special Issue / guest editor György Péteri]
Journal of contemporary history - 2012
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Sites of convergence. The USSR and Communist Eastern Europe at international fairs abroad and at home. Introduction
Journal of contemporary history - 2012
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Facing Hitler's Pavilion. The uses of modernity in the Soviet Pavilion at the 1937 Paris International Exhibition [Nel numero speciale 'Sites of convergence']
Journal of contemporary history - 2012
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Kebabche, caviar or hot dogs? Consuming the Cold War at the Plovdiv Fair 1947–72 [Nel numero speciale 'Sites of convergence']
Journal of contemporary history - 2012
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Showcasing Cold War Germany in Cairo: 1954 and 1957 industrial exhibitions and the competition for Arab partners [Nel numero speciale 'Sites of convergence']
Journal of contemporary history - 2012
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Making a spectacle of restraint. The Deutschland Pavilion at the 1958 Brussels Exposition [Nel numero speciale 'Sites of convergence']
Journal of contemporary history - 2012
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Sputnik goes to Brussels. The exhibition of a Soviet technological wonder [Nel numero speciale 'Sites of convergence']
Journal of contemporary history - 2012
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Transsystemic fantasies. Counterrevolutionary Hungary at Brussels Expo '58 [Nel numero speciale 'Sites of convergence']
Journal of contemporary history - 2012
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

An avant-garde architecture for an avant-garde socialism. Yugoslavia at EXPO '58 [Nel numero speciale 'Sites of convergence']
Journal of contemporary history - 2012
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

Industrial design and the Czechoslovak Pavilion at EXPO '58. Artistic autonomy, party control and Cold War common ground [Nel numero speciale 'Sites of convergence']
Journal of contemporary history - 2012
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF