Journal of contemporary history  -  fascicolo 45

Risultato della ricerca: (24 titoli )

Hungarian aristocracy and the White Terror
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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A history of violence: the shooting in Jerusalem of British assistant police superintendent Alan Sigrist, 12 June 1936
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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English-speaking Units of the International Brigades: war, politics and discipline
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Scheda completa: full text, export citazione, ACNP, libri su BNCF

The 'Clean Wehrmacht' in the German-occupied Netherlands, 1940-5
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Dunkirk and the popular memory of Britain at war, 1940-58
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Treacherous Allies: the Cold War in East Asia and American postwar anxiety
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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'Ish bin ein Bearleener' - JFK's 26 June 1963 visit to Berlin: the views from East Germany
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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From pre- to post-dreadnought: recent research on the Royal Navy, 1880-1945 [Rec.: R. Parkinson, The late victorian navy - J. Brooks, Dreadnought gunnery and the battle of Jutland - A. Field, Royal Navy strategy in the Far East 1919-1939 - B. Lavery, In which they served]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Alexander Watson, Enduring the Great War: combat, morale and collapse in the German and British armies, 1914-1918 [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Michael Roper, The secret battle: emotional survival en the Great War [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Tomas Balkelis, The making of modern Lithuania [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Thomas Lane and Marian Wolański, Poland and european integration: the ideas and movements of Polish exiles in the West, 1939-91 [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Berel Lang, Philosophical witnessing: the Holocaust as presence [Rcensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Peter Dorey, British conservatism and Trade Unionism, 1945-1964 [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Antoni Kapcia, Cuba in Revolution: a history since the fifties [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Michael Grow, U.S. presidents and Latin American interventions: pursuing regime change in the Cold War [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Miriam Dobson, Khrushchev's cold summer: Gulag returnees, crime, and thefate of reform after Stalin [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Yaacv Ro'i and Boris Morozov (eds), The Soviet Union and the June 1967 Six Day War [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Gary R. Hess, Explaining America's lost war [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Martyn Frampton, The Long March: the political strategy of Sinn Fein, 1981-2007
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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John Garrard and Carol Garrard, Russian orthodoxy resurgent: faith and power in the New Russia [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Christine Hünefeldt and Misha Kokotovic (eds), Pawer, culture and violence in the Andes [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Francis Fukuyama (ed.), Falling behind: explaining the development gap between Latin America and the United States [Recensione]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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Jack Goody, The theft of history - Alan Megill, Historical knowledge, historical error: a contemporary guide to practice [Recensioni]
Journal of contemporary history - 2010
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