Modern Italy  -  annata 2016

Risultato della ricerca: (57 titoli )

Britain, Ireland and the Italian Risorgimento, edited by Nick Carter [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Christopher Duggan 1957-2015
Modern Italy - 2016
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Cold-War Trieste: metamorphosing ideas of Italian nationhood, 1945-1975
Modern Italy - 2016
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Connected and disconnected memoryscapes of the Antigorio Valley: a village under water and a Second World War massacre on a cableway
Modern Italy - 2016
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Crafting design in Italy: from post-war to postmodernism, by Catharine Rossi [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Eccentricity and sameness: discourses on lesbianism and desire between women in Italy, 1860–1930s, by Charlotte Ross [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Genre, migrations et emplois domestiques en France et en Italie. Construction de la non-qualification et de l'altérité ethnique, by Francesca Scrinzi [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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L'Italia e la questione adriatica. Dibattiti parlamentari e panorama internazionale (1918-1926), by Marina Cattaruzza [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Italiani in Ghana. Storia e antropologia di una migrazione (1900–1946), by Alessandra Brivio [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Italofilia. Opinione pubblica britannica e il Risorgimento italiano 1847–1864, by Elena Bacchin - Religion and politics in the Risorgimento. Britain and the New Italy 1861–1875, by Danilo Raponi [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Landscapes in between: environmental change in modern Italian literature and film, by Monica Seger [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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A law made by Italian mothers for Italian mothers? Women politicians and the 1950 law on maternity rights
Modern Italy - 2016
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Matteo Renzi: a new leadership style for the Italian Democratic Party and Italian politics
Modern Italy - 2016
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Ransom kidnapping: the anonymous underworld of the Italian Republic
Modern Italy - 2016
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Il terrorismo italiano. Storia di un dibattito, by Giovanni Mario Ceci [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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The third Rome, 1922–43: the making of the Fascist capital, by Aristotle Kallis [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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'Undesirable Italians': prolegomena for a history of the Calabrian 'Ndrangheta in Australia
Modern Italy - 2016
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Antonio Gramsci, edited by Mark McNally [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Con Pertini al Quirinale. Diari 1978–1985, by Antonio Maccanico [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Illuminating Botteghe Oscure's British network [In 'National dialogues and transnational exchanges across Italian periodical culture, 1940–1960']
Modern Italy - 2016
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Impegno, national and transnational identities in Il Politecnico and Sud (1945–1947) [In 'National dialogues and transnational exchanges across Italian periodical culture, 1940–1960']
Modern Italy - 2016
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Intellectuals, journals, and the legitimisation of political power: the case of the Italian intellectual group of Il Mulino (1950s and 1960s) [In 'National dialogues and transnational exchanges across Italian periodical culture, 1940–1960']
Modern Italy - 2016
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Introduction. National dialogues and transnational exchanges across Italian periodical culture, 1940–1960
Modern Italy - 2016
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Italian sexualities uncovered, 1789–1914, edited by Valeria P. Babini, Chiara Beccalossi and Lucy Riall [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Lettere e carri armati. Quattro scrittori, 'Il Contemporaneo', il 1956, by de Sandro de Nobile [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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The lost wave: women and democracy in postwar Italy, by Molly Tambor [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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The Milan-Hamburg axis: Italy for German readers (1940-1944) [In 'National dialogues and transnational exchanges across Italian periodical culture, 1940–1960']
Modern Italy - 2016
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National dialogues and transnational exchanges across Italian periodical culture, 1940–1960 [Special issue] / editors Francesca Billiani, Daniela La Penna, and Mila Milani
Modern Italy - 2016
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Officina: experiments in engaging with the arts [In 'National dialogues and transnational exchanges across Italian periodical culture, 1940–1960']
Modern Italy - 2016
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The rise and fall of Benedetto Croce. Intellectual positionings in the Italian cultural field, 1944–1947 [In 'National dialogues and transnational exchanges across Italian periodical culture, 1940–1960']
Modern Italy - 2016
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Stars and masculinities in contemporary Italian cinema, by Catherine O'Rawe [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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A British fascist in the second world war: the Italian war diary of James Strachey Barnes, 1943-45, edited by Claudia Baldoli and Brendan Fleming [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Il cammino degli eroi: the empire as a mark of modernity. Representations of colonial power in a famous regime documentary
Modern Italy - 2016
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Crimes of peace: Mediterranean migrations at the world's deadliest border, by Maurizio Albahari [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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The crisis of the Prato industrial district in the works of Edoardo Nesi: a blend of nostalgia and self-complacency
Modern Italy - 2016
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The école barisienne: a cultural and political endeavour after 1968
Modern Italy - 2016
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Enlightening encounters: photography in Italian literature, edited by Giorgia Alù and Nancy Pedri [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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A fragmented transformation: Giovanni Pirelli's war writings, 1940–1944
Modern Italy - 2016
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Italian massacres in occupied Ethiopia [Rassegna bibliografica]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Italian women writers: gender and everyday life in fiction and journalism 1870-1910, by Katharine Mitchell [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Il mio diario di guerra (1915–1917) by Benito Mussolini, edited by Mario Isnenghi [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Television audience enjoyment and the Lascia o raddoppia? phenomenon
Modern Italy - 2016
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Visual anthropology in Sardinia, by Silvio Carta [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Anti-icon icon: Gabriele Basilico's photography of the Italian urban landscape [Nel numero speciale 'Iconic images in modern Italy: politics, culture and society']
Modern Italy - 2016
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Challenging the mafia mystique: Cosa Nostra from legitimisation to denunciation, by Coluccello Rino [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Double exposures: the photographic afterlives of Pasolini and Moro [Nel numero speciale 'Iconic images in modern Italy: politics, culture and society']
Modern Italy - 2016
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Fabbriche invisibili. Storie di donne, lavoranti a domicilio by Toffanin Tania [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Food and foodways in Italy from 1861 to the present, by Scarpellini Emanuela [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Gabriele d'Annunzio and the self-fashioning of a national icon [Nel numero speciale 'Iconic images in modern Italy: politics, culture and society']
Modern Italy - 2016
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Gramsci undisabled [Nel numero speciale 'Iconic images in modern Italy: politics, culture and society']
Modern Italy - 2016
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The iconic body: Mussolini unclothed [Nel numero speciale 'Iconic images in modern Italy: politics, culture and society']
Modern Italy - 2016
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Iconic images in modern Italy: politics, culture and society. Introduction
Modern Italy - 2016
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Iconic images in modern Italy: politics, culture and society [Special issue]
Modern Italy - 2016
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Iconic images in propaganda [Nel numero speciale 'Iconic images in modern Italy: politics, culture and society']
Modern Italy - 2016
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Icons of remorse: photography, anthropology and the erasure of history in 1950s Italy [Nel numero speciale 'Iconic images in modern Italy: politics, culture and society']
Modern Italy - 2016
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Stillness in motion: Italy, photography, and the meanings of modernity, edited by Hill Sarah Patricia and Minghelli Giuliana [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2016
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The whisper with a thousand echoes: Tony Gentile's photograph of Falcone and Borsellino [Nel numero speciale 'Iconic images in modern Italy: politics, culture and society']
Modern Italy - 2016
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