Modern Italy  -  annata 2014

Risultato della ricerca: (69 titoli )

The Anti-Risorgimento as a transnational experience
Modern Italy - 2014
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The art of making do in Naples, by Jason Pine [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Between cosmopolitanism and nationhood: Italian opera in the early nineteenth century
Modern Italy - 2014
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Entering the frame: cinema and history in the films of Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi, by Robert Lumley [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Foreign rule? Transnational, national, and local perspectives on Venice and Venetia within the 'multinational' empire
Modern Italy - 2014
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Graces received: painted and metal ex-votos from Italy, edited by Rosangela Briscese and Joseph Sciorra [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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The Holocaust in Italian culture, 1944–2010, by Robert S.C. Gordon [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Immigrants turned activists: Italians in 1970s Melbourne, by Simone Battiston [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Legitimism, liberalism and nationalism: the nature of the relationship between North and South in Italian unification
Modern Italy - 2014
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A new military history of the Italian Risorgimento and Anti-Risorgimento: the case of 'transnational soldiers'
Modern Italy - 2014
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Il partito provvisorio. Storia del PSUIP nel lungo Sessantotto italiano, by Aldo Agosti [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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La Repubblica del Presidente. Gli anni di Carlo Azeglio Ciampi 1999–2006, by Rosario Forlenza [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Social and political thought of Julius Evola, by Paul Furlong [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Special issue: The Italian Risorgimento: transnational perspectives
Modern Italy - 2014
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Special issue: The Italian Risorgimento: transnational perspectives. Introduction
Modern Italy - 2014
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Travel, migration, exile: Garibaldi's global fame
Modern Italy - 2014
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'Aria di crociata'. I cattolici italiani di fronte alla nascita dello Stato d'Israele (1945–1951), by Paolo Zanini [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Associations of people with disabilities in Italy: a short history
Modern Italy - 2014
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Beyond the ICF: Italian network strategies for job placement of persons with disabilities
Modern Italy - 2014
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Consumi e trasformazioni urbane tra anni Sessanta e Ottanta, edited by Angelo Varni and Roberto Parisini [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Contro il materialismo, by Pierpaolo Antonello [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Disability and work inclusion in Italy: between unfulfilled promises and new disability culture
Modern Italy - 2014
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Europe and empire: culture, politics and identity in Malta and the Mediterranean (1912–1946), by Henri Frendo [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Excavating modernity: the Roman past in Fascist Italy, by Joshua Arthurs [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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A family affair: the depiction of disability in contemporary mainstream Italian cinema
Modern Italy - 2014
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From superabilità to transabilità: towards an Italian disability studies
Modern Italy - 2014
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International cooperation and the inclusion of persons with disabilities: the Italian system
Modern Italy - 2014
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Introduction: disability rights and wrongs in Italy
Modern Italy - 2014
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Models of disability, ideas of justice, and the challenge of full participation
Modern Italy - 2014
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Politica ed emozioni nella storia d'Italia dal 1848 ad oggi, edited by Penelope Morris, Francesco Ricatti and Mark Seymour [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Un salto nel voto. Ritratto politico dell'Italia di oggi, edited by Ilvo Diamanti, Fabio Bordignon and Luigi Ceccarini [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Special issue: Disability rights and wrongs in Italy
Modern Italy - 2014
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Women with disabilities: from discrimination and violence towards an ethics of reciprocity
Modern Italy - 2014
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17 Marzo 1861: l'Inghilterra e l'unità d'Italia, by Pietro Pastorelli [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Cavour, by Adriano Viarengo [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Description, appropriation, transformation: Fascist rhetoric and colonial nature
Modern Italy - 2014
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Discorsi per Roma capitale, by Camillo Benso di Cavour with an introductory essay by Pietro Scoppola [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Environment and leisure in Italy during Fascism
Modern Italy - 2014
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Gli esuli del Risorgimento, by Agostino Bistarelli [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Introduction: Fascism and nature
Modern Italy - 2014
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The invisible war on nature: the Abyssinian war (1935–1936) in newsreels and documentaries in Fascist Italy
Modern Italy - 2014
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Italia: vita e avventure di un'idea, by Francesco Bruni [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Italiani senza padre: intervista sul Risorgimento, by Emilio Gentile, edited by Simonetta Fiori [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Making Italians out of rocks: Mussolini's shadows on Italian mountains
Modern Italy - 2014
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A nation's parks: failure and success in Fascist nature conservation
Modern Italy - 2014
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Recent works on the Risorgimento / edited by Andrea del Corno and Nick Carter
Modern Italy - 2014
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Il Regno delle Due Sicilie e le potenze europee, 1830–1861, by Eugenio Di Rienzo [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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The Risorgimento revisited: nationalism and culture in Nineteenth-century Italy, edited by Silvana Patriarca and Lucy Riall [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Special issue: Fascism and nature
Modern Italy - 2014
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Gli stati italiani prima dell'Unità, by Marco Meriggi [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Sublime madre nostra. La nazione italiana dal Risorgimento al fascismo, by Alberto Mario Banti [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Under the volcano: revolution in a Sicilian town, by Lucy Riall [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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The Bourbon monarchy and prison legislation in Sicily: two competing plans for reform (1826–1830)
Modern Italy - 2014
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Commemorating the Holocaust: the dilemmas of remembrance in France and Italy, by Rebecca Clifford [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Conflicting obituaries: the Abyssinian 'outlaw' Debeb as treacherous bandit and romantic hero in late nineteenth-century Italian imagination
Modern Italy - 2014
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La costruzione del ceto medio: immagini sulla stampa e in politica, by Rocco Sciarrone, Nicoletta Bosco, Antonella Meo and Luca Storti [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Dal Fascismo alla DC. Tassinari, Medici e la bonifica nell'Italia tra gli anni Trenta e Cinquanta, by Marco Zaganella [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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De Gasperi e lo 'stato forte': legislazione antitotalitaria e difesa della democrazia negli anni del centrismo (1950–1952), by Federico Mazzei [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Emotion and cognition in the films of Bernardo Bertolucci, by Silvana Serra [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Empires ancient and modern: strength, modernity and power in imperial ideology from the Liberal period to Fascism
Modern Italy - 2014
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The knights errant of anarchy: London and the Italian anarchist diaspora (1880–1917), by Pietro di Paola [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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La macchina nel tempo: la meccanica strumentale italiana dalle origini all'affermazione in campo internazionale, by Tito Menzani [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Modern Italy 2010–2015
Modern Italy - 2014
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The power of words: the changing role of the Italian head of state during the Second Republic
Modern Italy - 2014
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'Questo cor che tuo si rese': the private and the public in Italian women's love letters in the long nineteenth century
Modern Italy - 2014
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Re-examining a modern classic: does Putnam's Making democracy work suffer from spuriousness?
Modern Italy - 2014
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Schiavitù mediterranee: corsari, rinnegati e santi di età moderna, by Giovanna Fiume [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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Secularisation, anticlericalism and cremation within Italian cemeteries of the nineteenth century
Modern Italy - 2014
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Terms of the political: community, immunity, biopolitics, by Roberto Esposito, translated by Rhiannon Noel Welch, with an introduction by Vanessa Lemm [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2014
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