Modern Italy  -  annata 2002

Risultato della ricerca: (47 titoli )

Anglophilia in crisis: Italian liberals, the 'English model' and democracy in the Giolittian era
Modern Italy - 2002
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Anna Cento Bull, Social identities and political culture in Italy: catholic, communist and 'leghist' communities between civicness and localism. Berghahn Books, New York, 2000 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Antonio Amato De Serpis, Alessandro Leopolde et al., Gli anni verdi: viaggio nelle culture giovanili del Sud. Argo, Lecce, 1997 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Claudia Ambrosi and Michael Wedekind (eds), L'invenzione di un cosmo borghese. Valori sociali e simboli culturali dll'alpinismo nei secoli 19. e 20. Museo storico di Trento, Trento, 2000 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Conference report. 'L'età dei totalitarismi. Silone e la cultura letteraria e politica degli anni Venti-Trenta'. 29 April-1 May 2001, L'Aquila/Pescina
Modern Italy - 2002
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Damian Tambini, Nationalism in Italian politics. The stories of the Northern League 1980-2000. Routledge, London/New York, 2001 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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David Forgacs, Rome open city (Roma città aperta), BFI Publishing, London, 2000 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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David Laven and Lucy Riall (eds), Napoleon's legacy: problems of government in Restoration Europe. Berg, Oxford, 2000 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Franco Sbarberi, L'utopia di libertà eguale. Il liberalismo sociale da Rosselli a Bobbio. Bollati Boringhieri, Turin, 1999 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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The idea of nation in Romeo [Intervento alla conferenza 'Rosario Romeo e il Risorgimento in Sicilia. Bilancio storiografico e prospettive di ricerca' tenuta a Messina il 6 e 7 ott. 2000]
Modern Italy - 2002
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'Italianità' and internationalism: production, design and mediation at Alessi, 1976-96
Modern Italy - 2002
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Jonathan Dunnage (ed.), After the war. Violence, justice, continuity and renewal in Italian society. Troubadour Publishing/Hull Italian Texts, Market Harborough, 1999 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Lucio Sponza, Divided loyalties. Italians in Britain during the Second World War. Peter Lang, New York, 2000 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Luisa Quartermaine, Mussolini's last republic. Propaganda and politics in the Italian Social Republic (RSI) 1943-45. Elm Bank, Exeter, 2000 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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The nation and Sicily, modernity and the Mezzogiorno [Intervento alla conferenza 'Rosario Romeo e il Risorgimento in Sicilia. Bilancio storiografico e prospettive di ricerca' tenuta a Messina il 6 e 7 ott. 2000]
Modern Italy - 2002
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The nation and the South in the work of Rosario Romeo. A debate between John Dickie, Lucy Riall and Giuseppe Galasso [Conferenza 'Rosario Romeo e il Risorgimento in Sicilia. Bilancio storiografico e prospettive di ricerca', Messina 6-7 ott. 2000]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Regional culture in post-war Friuli: literature in dialect, nationalism and 'friulanità'
Modern Italy - 2002
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Rosario Romeo and the Risorgimento in Sicily, 1848-1860 [Intervento alla conferenza 'Rosario Romeo e il Risorgimento in Sicilia. Bilancio storiografico e prospettive di ricerca' tenuta a Messina il 6 e 7 ott. 2000]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Santi Fedele, Il retaggio dell'esilio. Saggi sul fuoriuscitismo antifascista. Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro), 2000 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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About town: the city and the female reader, 1860-1900 [Intervento al simposio 'Public space and the city in Italy, 1848-1900', svoltosi il 25 apr. 1998]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Antonio Pilati and Giuseppe Richeri, La fabbrica delle idee: il mercato dei media in Italia. Baskerville, Bologna, 2000 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Arturo Tosi, Language and society in a changing Italy. Multilingual matters ltd, Clavendon, 2001 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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The centre and the suburbs: social protest and modernization in Milan and Turin, 1898-1917
Modern Italy - 2002
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Charles Burdett, Vincenzo Cardarelli and his contemporaries. Fascist politics and literary culture. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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City and identity in Italy in the industrial era
Modern Italy - 2002
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City and identity in Italy in the industrial era. Introduction
Modern Italy - 2002
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Conquering the city: the representation of Milan in Massimo Bontempelli's 'La vita operosa'
Modern Italy - 2002
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Domenico Ioppolo and Antonio Pilati, Il supermercato delle immagini: scenari della televisione europea nell'epoca digitale. Sperling and Kupfer editori, Milan, 1999 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Girolamo Imbruglia (ed.), Naples in the Eighteenth century: the birth and death of a nation state. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Itanes (Italian national election study), Perchè ha vinto il centro-destra. Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Lucia Valenzi, Donne, medici e poliziotti a Napoli nell'Ottocento. La prostituzione tra repressione e tolleranza. Liguori, Naples, 2000 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Luciano Cheles and Lucio Sponza (eds), The art of persuasion. Political communication in Italy from 1945 to the 1990s. Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York, 2001 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Marco Severini, La rete dei notabili. Clientele, strategie ed elezioni politiche nelle Marche in età giolittiana. Marsilio, Venice, 1998 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Marco Soresina, Conoscere per amministrare: Luigi Bodio. Statistica economica e pubblica amministrazione. Franco Angeli, Milan, 2001 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Philip Cooke, Fenoglio's binoculars, Johnny's eyes: history, language and narrative technique in Fenoglio's Il partigiano Johnny. Peter Lang, New York, 2000 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Philip Cooke, Luglio 1960: Tambroni e la repressione fallita. Presentazione di Luciano Canfora. Teti editore, Milan, 2000 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Pier Luigi Ballini (ed.), Sidney Sonnino e il suo tempo. Leo S. Olschki, Florence, 2000 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Public works and municipal government in two Italian capital cities: comparing technical bureaucracies in Turin and Rome, 1848-88
Modern Italy - 2002
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Recent studies of the Lega Nord [Rassegna bibliografica]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Renato Camurri (ed.), Fedele Lampertico. Carteggi e diari. 1842-1906. Vol. 2. Marsilio, Venice, 1998 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Report on ACIS Conference, 'The importance of Italy', Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University, September 2001
Modern Italy - 2002
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Roberta S. Kremer (ed.), Memory and mastery: Primo Levi as writer and witness. State University of New York Press, Albany, 2001 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Roger Eatwell, Fascismo. Verso un modello generale. Antonio Pellicani editore, Rome, 1999 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Stanislao G. Pugliese (ed.), Italian fascism and antifascism. A critical anthology. Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York, 2001 [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2002
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Traders, taxpayers, citizens: the lower middle classes from liberalism to fascism
Modern Italy - 2002
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'Transition in Italian politics', Italian politics specialist Group panels held at the political studies Association's 52nd annual conference, 5-7 April 2002, University of Aberdeen
Modern Italy - 2002
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A tribute to John Rosselli
Modern Italy - 2002
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