Journal of modern Italian studies  -  fascicolo 13

Risultato della ricerca: (25 titoli )

Beyond the three circles: Italy and the rest of the world [Numero speciale]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Beyond the three circles: Italy and the rest of the world. Introduction
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Italy's foreign policy toward China: missed opportunities and new chances [In 'Beyond the three circles: Italy and the rest of the world']
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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A bridge in times of confrontation: Italy and Russia in the context of EU and NATO enlargements [In 'Beyond the three circles: Italy and the rest of the world']
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Italy and Africa: how to forget colonialism [In 'Beyond the three circles: Italy and the rest of the world']
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Italy and the South of the world: still a laggard in international development? [In 'Beyond the three circles: Italy and the rest of the world']
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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A wolf in sheep's clothing? Italy's policies toward international organizations [In 'Beyond the three circles: Italy and the rest of the world']
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Man of faith and political commitment: Alcide De Gasperi in the history of Europe [Recensione di: Piero Craveri, De Gasperi - Walter E. Crivellin (ed.), Alcide De Gasperi - Stefano Trinchese, L'altro De Gasperi]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Mysteries about mysteries [Recensione di: G. De Cataldo, Romanzo criminale - Id., Nelle mani giuste - C. Lucarelli, Misteri d'Italia - Id., Nuovi misteri d'Italia - Id., Piazza Fontana - S. Sarasso, Confine di stato - T. Smith, The dark heart of Italy]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Irene Fosi, La giustizia del Papa. Sudditi e tribunali nello Stato pontificio in età moderna. Roma-Bari, Editori Laterza, 2007 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Thomas Kroll, La rivolta del patriziato. Il liberalismo della nobiltà nella Toscana del Risorgimento. Florence, Leo S. Olschki, 2005 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Lisa Roscioni, Lo Smemorato di Collegno. Storia italiana di un'identità contesa. Turin, Einaudi, 2007 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Michele Nani, Ai confini della nazione. Stampa e razzismo nell'Italia di fine Ottocento. Rome, Carocci, 2006 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Marta Petricioli, Oltre il mito: l'Egitto degli italiani (1917-1947). Milan, Bruno Mondadori, 2007 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Nicola Labanca, Una guerra per l'impero. Memorie della campagna d'Etiopia, 1935-36. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Mark Seymour, Debating divorce. Marriage and the making of modern Italians, 1860-1974. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Sandro Bellassai, La legge del desiderio. Il progetto Merlin e l'Italia degli anni Cinquanta. Saggi e monografie del Dipartimento di discipline storiche dell'Università di Bologna. Roma, Carocci editore, 2006 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Maura Hametz, Making Trieste Italian, 1918-1954. London, The Royal historical Society-Boydell Press, 2005 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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H. James Burgwyn, Empire on the Adriatic. Mussolini's conquest of Yugoslavia 1941-43. New York, Enigma Books, 2005 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Richard Gardner, Mission Italy. On the front lines of the Cold War. Latham, MD, Rowman and Littlefield, 2005 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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John Davis Rhodes, Stupendous, miserable city: Pasolini's Rome. University of Minnesota Press, 2007 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Colleen Ryan-Scheutz, Sex, the self, and the sacred. Women in the cinema of Pier Paolo Pasolini. Toronto, University pf Toronto Press, 2007 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Ilaria Serra, The value of worthless lives. Writing Italian American immigrant autobiographies. New York, Fordham University Press, 2007 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Norma Bouchard and Massimo Lollini (eds), Reading and writing the Mediterranean. Essays by Vincenzo Consolo. Toronto, Toronto University Press, 2007 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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Margaret Doody, Tropic of Venice. Philadelphia, PA, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2008
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