Foreign affairs  -  annata 2017

Risultato della ricerca: (71 titoli )

Advice for young muslims : how to survive in an age of extremism and islamophobia
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Are we safe yet? How to manage financial crises
Foreign affairs - 2017
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China and the world : dealing with a reluctant power
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Congress and war : how the House and the Senate can reclaim their role
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Europe after brexit : a less perfect union
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Getting out of the gulf : oil and U.S. military strategy
Foreign affairs - 2017
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How to build middle east peace : why bottom-up is better than top-down
Foreign affairs - 2017
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The International Criminal Court on trial : a conversation with Fatou Bensouda
Foreign affairs - 2017
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The Lawyers' war : counterterrorism from Bush to Obama to Trump
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Liberalism in retreat : the demise of a dream
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Make America make again : training workers for the new economy
Foreign affairs - 2017
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The once and future order : what comes after hegemony?
Foreign affairs - 2017
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The opening of the North Korean mind : pyongyang versus the digital underground
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Out of order? : what's inside
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Will the liberal order survive? : the history of an idea
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Will Washington abandon the order? : the false logic of retreat
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Course correction : how to stop China's maritime advance
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Dirty deeds : will corruption doom China?
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Don't follow the money : the problem with the war on terrorist financing
Foreign affairs - 2017
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History with chinese characteristics - how China's imagined past shapes its present
Foreign affairs - 2017
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How deep is Iran's state? : the battle over Khamenei's successor
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Keine atombombe, bitte : why Germany should not go nuclear
Foreign affairs - 2017
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A new Truman doctrine : grand strategy in a hyperconnected world
Foreign affairs - 2017
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The next energy revolution : the promise and peril of high-tech innovation
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Paris isn't burning : why the climate agreement will survive Trump
Foreign affairs - 2017
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The right way to reform health care : to cut costs, empower patients
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Start-Up Palestine : how to spark a West Bank tech boom
Foreign affairs - 2017
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A Tale of two tax plans : what Trump and Ryan get wrong
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Trump and the environment : what his plans would do
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Trump the traditionalist : a surprisingly standard foreign policy
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Where to go from here : rebooting american foreign policy
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Why globalization stalled : and how to restart it
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Yes ge did : judging Obama's legacy
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Berlin's balancing act : Merkel needs Trump but also needs to keep her distance
Foreign affairs - 2017
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China vs. America : managing the next clash of civilizations
Foreign affairs - 2017
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The congressional apprentice : how Trump is approaching Capitol hill
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Down and out down under : Australia's uneasy american alliance
Foreign affairs - 2017
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The false prophecy of hyperconnection : how to survive the networked age
Foreign affairs - 2017
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France's gamble : as America retreats, Macron steps up
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Global health gets a checkup : a conversation with Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Kleptocracy in America : corruption is reshaping governments everywhere
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Making government smarter : how to set national priorities
Foreign affairs - 2017
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The Mexican standoff : Trump and the art of the workaround
Foreign affairs - 2017
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The nuclear option : renewables can't save the planet - but uranium can
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Pay up, Europe : what Trump gets right about NATO
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Saving "America First" : what responsible nationalism looks like
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Terror in the terroir : the roots of France's jihadist problem
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Trudeau's Trump bump : how a smaller America gives Canada room to grow
Foreign affairs - 2017
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True believers : how ISIS made jihad religious again
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Trump and the "Deep State" : the government strikes back
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Trump's gift to Japan : time for Tokyo to invest in the liberal order
Foreign affairs - 2017
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The United Kingdom's Trump trap : how special a relationship?
Foreign affairs - 2017
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What America owes its veterans : a better system of care and support
Foreign affairs - 2017
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What kills inequality : redistribution's violent history
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Can bankers fight terrorism? : what you get when you follow the money
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Deterring cyberattacks : how to reduce vulnerability
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Deterring cyberattacks : how to reduce vulnerability
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Even smarter sanctions : how to fight in the era of economic warfare
Foreign affairs - 2017
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How should governments address inequality? : putting piketty into practice
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Keeping out of Syria : the least bad option
Foreign affairs - 2017
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The korean missile crisis : why deterrence is still the best option
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Mission still not accomplished in Iraq : why the United States should not leave
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Political islam after the arab Spring between jihad and democracy
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Preventing the next attack : a strategy for the war on terrorism
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Public and private eyes : surveillance in the digital age
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Responding to Russia's resurgence : not quiet on the eastern front
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Staying the course in Afghanistan : how to fight the longest war
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Why military assistance programs disappoint : minor tools can't solve major problems
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Why the british chose Brexit : behind the scenes of the referendum
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Will India start acting like a global power? : New Delhi's new role
Foreign affairs - 2017
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Yemen's humanitarian nightmare : the real roots of the conflict
Foreign affairs - 2017
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