Foreign affairs  -  annata 2008

Risultato della ricerca: (88 titoli )

La crisi economica globale : rispondono David Gardner, Daniel Gros, Alberto negri, Hardo Pajula, Adolfo Urso
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Crisi economiche 'corsi e ricorsi'
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Cronologia della criminalità organizzata : ottobre-dicembre 2008 : Giuseppe Setola : la violenta deriva dei Casalesi
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Da Roma alle Twin Towers : come cambia l'Intelligence
Foreign affairs - 2008
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L'economia cinese fra sviluppo e pragmatismo
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Microchip nel cervello : privacy a rischio
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Mumbai : messaggi dal terrorismo globale
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Il 'pacchetto sicurezza' : un 'decalogo' di lettura
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Un paziente tedesco contro la 'Home Fleet'
Foreign affairs - 2008
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La rete dei pirati del terzo millennio
Foreign affairs - 2008
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La sicurezza in economia all'epoca della globalizzazione Intervista al comandante generale della guardia di finanza Cosimo D'Arrigo
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Lo straniero tra espulsione e allontanamento
Foreign affairs - 2008
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USA, UE e Paesi terzi : crisi a 'effetto domino'
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Anglo-Saxon attitudes. The making of the modern world [Recensione di: Walter Russell Mead, God and gold: Britain, America, and the making of the modern world. Knopf, 2007]
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Campaign 2008. A new realism. A realistic and principled foreign policy
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Campaign 2008. America's priorities in the war on terror. Islamists, Iraq, Iran, and Pakistan
Foreign affairs - 2008
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China's new dictatorship diplomacy. Is Beijing parting with pariahs?
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The costs of containing Iran. Washington's misguided new Middle East policy
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Europe's Eastern promise. Rethinking Nato and EU enlargement
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Global corporate citizenship. Working with governments and civil society
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Long time coming. The prospects for democracy in China
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The myth of the authoritarian model. How Putin's crackdown holds Russia back
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Public footprints in private markets. Sovereign wealth funds and the world economy
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Reconsidering revaluation. The wrong approach to the U.S.-Chinese trade imbalance
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The rise of China and the future of the West. Can the liberal system survive?
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Stopping nuclear terrorism. The dangerous allure of a perfect defense
Foreign affairs - 2008
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America the resilient. Defying terrorism and mitigating natural disasters
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Arctic meltdown. The economic and security implications of global warming
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Bye bye Bush. What history will make of 43 [Recensione di: Fred Kaplan, Daydream believers. Wiley, 2008 - Jacob Heilbrunn, They knew they were right. Doubleday, 2008 - Jacob Weisberg, The Bush tragedy. Random House, 2008]
Foreign affairs - 2008
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China and India go to Africa. New deals in the developing world
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The Copenhagen consensus. Reading Adam Smith in Denmark
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The democratic rollback. The resurgence of the pradatory State
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Diplomacy in an age of faith. Religious freedom and national security
Foreign affairs - 2008
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An empty revolution. The unfulfilled promises of Hugo Chávez
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Intelligent design? The unending saga of intelligence reform [Recensione di: Tim Weiner, Legacy of ashes. Doubleday, 2007 - Amy B. Zegart, Spying blind. Princeton Univ. Press, 2007 - Richard K. Betts, Enemies of intelligence. Columbia Univ. Press, 2007]
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Staying alive. Why North Korea will not change
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Transforming nations. How the WTO boosts economies and open societies
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Us and them. The enduring power of ethnic nationalism
Foreign affairs - 2008
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After Guantanamo. The case against preventive detention
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The age of nonpolarity. What will follow US dominance
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Beyond Darfur. Sudan's slide toward civil war
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Blood barrels. Why oil wealth fuels conflict
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The case against the West. America and Europe in the Asian century
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The distant horizon. What can 'big history' tell us about America's future? [Recensione di: William J. Bernstein, A splendid exchange - Strobe Talbott, The great experiment - Amy Chua, Day of Empire]
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The future of American power. How America can survive the rise of the rest
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The myth of grass-roots terrorism. Why Osama bin Laden still matters [Recensione di: Marc Sageman, Leaderless Jihad. Terror networks in the twenty-first century. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008]
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The price of the surge. How US strategy is hastening Iraq's demise
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The trouble with Congo. How local disputes fuel regional conflict
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Building a new Atlantic alliance. Restoring America's partnership with Europe
Foreign affairs - 2008
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China's Olympic nightmare. What the games mean for Beijing's future
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Democratizations and its discontents. Should America push political reform in the Middle East? [Recensione di: T. Cofman Wittes, Freedom's unsteady March - Beyond the façade, edited by M. Ottaway-J. Choucair-Vizoso]
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Does Osama still call the shots? Debating the containment of al Qaeda's leadership
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The future of North America. Replacing a bad neighbor policy
Foreign affairs - 2008
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In the tank. Making the most of strategic oil reserves
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Is ethnic conflict inevitable? Parting ways over nationalism and separatism
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The new Israel and the old. Why gentile Americans back the Jewish State
Foreign affairs - 2008
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A partnership of equals. How Washington should respond to China's economic challenge
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Present at the re-creation. A neoconservative moves on [Recensione di: Robert Kagan, The return of history and the end of dreams. Knopf, 2008]
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Rethinking the national interest. American realism for a new world
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Revolutionary road? Debating Venezuela's progress
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Shortsighted statecraft. Washington's muddled Middle East policy [Recensione di: Lawrence Freedman, A choice of enemies: America confronts the Middle East. PublicAffairs, 2008]
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Terror and the law. The limits of judicial reasoning in the post-9/11 world [Recensione di: Benjamin Wittes, Law and the long war. The future of justice in the age of terror. Penguin Press, 2008]
Foreign affairs - 2008
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When to leave Iraq. Today, tomorrow, or yesterday?
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Containing climate change. An opportunity for US leadership
Foreign affairs - 2008
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How to leave a stable Iraq. Building on progress
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Just causes. The case for humanitarian intervention [Recensione di: Gary J. Bass, Freedom's battle. The origins of humanitarian intervention. Knopf, 2008]
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Keeping up with Asia. America and the new balance of power
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The land of hope again? An old dream for a new America
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Making intervention work. Improving the UN's ability to act
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Millions uprooted. Saving refugees and the displaced
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Morning in Latin America. The chance for a new beginning
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The next president. Mastering a daunting agenda
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The September 12 paradigm. America, the world, and George W. Bush
Foreign affairs - 2008
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A strategic economic engagement. Strengthening US-Chinese ties
Foreign affairs - 2008
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A war to start all wars. Will Israel ever seal the victory of 1948? [Recensione di: Benny Morris, 1948: a history of the first Arab-Israeli war. Yale University Press, 2008]
Foreign affairs - 2008
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After the crash. Helping the US economy right itself
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Arrested development. Making foreign aid a more effective tool
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Brazil's big moment. A South American giant wakes up
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The five-day war. Managing Moscow after the Georgia crisis
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Freight pain. The rise and fall of globalization
Foreign affairs - 2008
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From great game to grand bargain. Ending chaos in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The latter-day sultan. Power and politics in Iran
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The logic of zero. Toward a world without nuclear weapons
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Minor league, major problems. The case against a league of democracies
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Political disorders. Does executive authority corrupt the mind? [Recensione a: In sickness and in power: illnesses in heads of goverment during the last 100 years, by David Owen]
Foreign affairs - 2008
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Politics first. Why only US withdrawal can spur Iraqi cooperation
Foreign affairs - 2008
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The politics of hunger. How illusion and greed fan the food crisis
Foreign affairs - 2008
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What has Moscow done? Rebuilding US-Russian relations
Foreign affairs - 2008
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