Form@re (Online)  -  annata 2016

Risultato della ricerca: (71 titoli )

Argumentation in mathematics: mediation by means of digital interactive storytelling
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Boffo Vanna, Le relazioni educative: tra comunicazione e cura. Autori e testi. Milano: Apogeo (2011)
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Design of teaching/learning sequences for the chemistry curriculum according to an inquiry-based approach
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Digital Games as Tools for Stimulating and Assessing Reasoning Skills
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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An educational activity for middle school teachers: analysis of Invalsi mathematics tests
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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An educational method for evaluating the resistance to the treatment in the diagnosis of dyscalculia
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Geoff Petty, Evidence-based teaching: a practical approach. Second edition. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes (2009)
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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How to organize a maths e-book for vocational training schools
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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How to tell a teaching practice: from video-experiments to web documentary to increase science teaching
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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How to tell a teaching practice: from video-experiments to web documentary to increase science teachingeb-documentario per migliorare l'insegnamento delle scienze
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Learning geometry and visuo-spatial abilities through coding
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Learning on the fly with the analogical method
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Mathematics teaching and learning: a paper starting from Invalsi data
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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A multi-sensory methodological approach for science learning
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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PotenziaMente 2.0. Developing numeracy in primary schools through computer games
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Pythagoras on the rocks. A proof with bricks
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Ranieri Maria, Manca Stefania, I social network nell'educazione. Basi teoriche, modelli applicativi e linee guida. Trento: Erickson (2013)
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Reconstructing the history of science education through its materiality
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Semiotic mediation: from multiplication properties to arithmetical expressions
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Start App: a coding experience between primary and secondary school
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Teaching methods in mathematics, science and technology in schools
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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The teaching of measurement from epistemology to computational thinking
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Technological innovation in the Italian school. A critical and historical analysis
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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The use of assessment rubrics for the certification of achievements: the Va.R.C.Co. model
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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The use of open-ended questions to verify the mathematical literacy. Suggestions from PISA 2012
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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CLIL and CALL for a teacher's expertise: an international training experience
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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The collaborative dimension between participation and learning in teachers' education
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Digital Education Research (DER) as a theoretical/empirical bridge between research and training
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Digital storytelling and teacher education: an experience in initial teacher training
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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The effective teacher: definition and main aspects in the educational research
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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The effective teacher: definition and main aspects in the educational research educativa
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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An ethics instrument in teacher training: the self-assessment model "i-SAPERI"
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Evidence-Based Education. Ten points of dispute
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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An experimental approach for science laboratories in the contest of science of primary education degree course
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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The expertise of the support teacher for school inclusion: practices and research data
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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"First of all let's see who you are": an educational adjustment experience in formative paths for teachers
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Fleeing educators: the contribution of research in the training courses in early childhood education services
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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How to teach pupils to read. Presentation of a methodology
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Learning to learn: comparing learning and teaching style
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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A new expertise to support school's self-assessment
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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New skills for secondary school teacher: the alternation between school and work
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Newly qualified teachers training: analysis of the Italian model in light of scientific literature and international experiences
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Newly qualified teachers training: analysis of the Italian model in light of scientific literature and international experiences evidenze scientifiche e esperienze internazionali di induction
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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The professional profile of quality teacher
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Resilience and motivation: a training course for primary teachers
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Risks and opportunities of digital technologies in the school. Reflections about planning the teacher's training
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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The role of stage in teacher training for early childhood education: a debate, the University of Florence and the University of Vale do Itajaí models
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Rubric to improve teachers' self-assessment
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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A scale for assessing Italian schools and classes inclusiveness
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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The teachers' expertise, the representation of their skills and the paths to train them and evaluate them
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Teachers' training: an empirical study on training needs and digital skills
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Teaching Special Education to teachers as a cultural path
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Technology competences, agency and collaborative challenges: from teacher expertise to continuing professional development
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Train teachers to transform the didactic practices. A case study
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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The Arts-Based Research' approach: hints for educational research
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Bonaiuti Giovanni, Calvani Antonio, Ranieri Maria (a cura di Calvani Antonio), Fondamenti di Didattica. Teoria e prassi dei dispositivi formativi. Roma: Carocci (2015)
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Construction of a narrative network aimed at implementing inclusive processes
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Educational evidence based interventions for adults with autism spectrum disorders: experimental evidence
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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For an inclusive education: the innovative challenge of technologies for social emotional learning
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Inclusion in school. A study of pre- e in-service teachers' perceptions
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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The inclusive quality of the school and the teacher's skills: a survey tool
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Insegnanti in Formazione. Online courses for teacher education. A research-development
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Italian as lingua franca, the law of connected vessels and the improvement of the results into the multilingual class. About a teaching experience
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Mobile learning: a comparison of knowledge acquisition between two mobile course models
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Pennazio Valentina, Didattica, gioco e ambienti tecnologici inclusivi. Milano: Franco Angeli (2015)
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Programs and actions against early school leaving: cases and evaluation methods
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Reflecting through the designing: a brief analysis of the teacher's planning process
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Results evaluation in special and intercultural education
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Teachers' training and the use of educational technologies: research results
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Tools to assess inclusion: an Italian review
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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Which research methods for special education? Information from David Mitchell's work
Form@re (Online) - 2016
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