Autori: Secchi, Davide, Magnani, Lorenzo, Bardone, Emanuele
Titolo: Docility and "through doing" morality: an alternative approach to ethics
Periodico: Università degli Studi dell'Insubria. Dipartimento di Economia. Quaderni di ricerca
Anno: 2006 - Fascicolo: 8 - Pagina iniziale: 1 - Pagina finale: 17

In this paper, we aim at presenting the distributed morality approach as it can be described by the docility model of social interactions. The proposition “morality is a matter of social interaction” constitutes our starting point. We aim at pointing out the ways through which individuals create moral alternatives to a given situation. The paper is dedicated to presenting morality as something connected to human cognition. We introduce a “manipulative” way of thinking about morality, and we argue that it is “distributed” through things, animals, computers, and other human beings (section I); furthermore, the idea of a type of “through doing” morality comes up. Then, we find that this model supports an alternative view of the socio-economic system and, therefore, we suggest that the docility model (section II, as amended from Simon’s original model 1990; 1993), fits the case. The field of business ethics exempts useful insights from research on this issue. Recent studies on moral thinking and moral imagination seem to support this research project.

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