Autori: Reale, Emanuela, Potì, Bianca
Titolo: Government R&D funding: new approaches in the allocation policies for public and private beneficiaries
Periodico: CERIS-CNR. Working Paper
Anno: 2007 - Fascicolo: 9 - Pagina iniziale: 1 - Pagina finale: 35

The objective of this paper is to perform a first experiment of quantitative assessment on changes in allocation mechanisms and in their underlying delegation models, using the quantitative information and the descriptions of national funding systems produced in the PRIME project funding activity. Delegation has been explored through changes in instrument portfolios and in evaluation modes, as proofs of an evolution in research governance. Some common trends can be identified: the reinforcing of both priority setting and peer review processes. The general result of our analysis is that some change in delegation modes took place, but there is not a simple transition from one delegation regime to another, while a “contract” delegation model (the NPM reform) is not detectable through project funding analysis.

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