Espa, Giuseppe,
Maggi, BernardoTitolo:
Un modello finanziario di breve periodo per il settore statale italiano: l'analisi relativa al contesto pre-unione monetariaPeriodico:
Università degli studi di Trento. Dipartimento di Economia. Discussion papersAnno:
2005 - Fascicolo:
10 - Pagina iniziale:
1 - Pagina finale:
51In this paper we study a structural model for the Italian public finance dealing with financial aspects while the real component of the public budget is considered exogenous on the path coherent with the actual dynamics and institutional constraints, on which we are also concerned. In this context we perform regressions and simulations to evaluate the impact and reactions of the Italian convergence process to EMU and to verify the condition of the Italian public finance in that period. In particular we consider some experiments on the average maturity of the public debt and the long−term benchmark interest−rate referred to the pre−union period.
Testo completo: dati in Refworks (solo per utenti abilitati)
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