Autore: Rehme, Gunther
Titolo: Education, economie growth and personal income inequality across countries
Periodico: European University Institute of Badia Fiesolana (Fi). Department of Economics - Working papers
Anno: 1999 - Fascicolo: 42 - Pagina iniziale: 1 - Pagina finale: 35

This paper offers a supply-side explanation of thè cross-country variation in long-run growth and inequality. In thè model human capitai is 'lumpy' and public education directly affects growth, thè number of high-skilled people and wages. Growth and income equality are shown to depend in an important way on thè composition of human capitai and thè produc-tivity of thè education sector. Contrary to some recent results thè data show that when controlling for initial income or thè educational mix of thè labour force, higher (within-country) inequality (significantly) implies lower growth for a typical country in thè period 1960-90. Furthermore, countries with a more productive education sector have lower inequality. Thus, institutions and policies which generate more high-skilled people or enhance thè productivity of thè education sector seem to affect long-run income equality and growth in a positive way.

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