Autori: Staffolani, Stefano, Nunziata, Luca
Titolo: On short-term contracts regulation
Periodico: Università degli studi di Ancona. Dipartimento di Economia. Quaderni
Anno: 2001 - Volume: 5 - Fascicolo: 150 - Pagina iniziale: 1

We present a theoretical as well as an empirical analysis of the impact of employment regulations on permanent and temporary employment. We consider three different forms of regulations, namely insiders protection, fixed term contracts regulations, and temporary work agencies legislation and present some empirical evidence for total, female and young employees based on a panel of nine European countries. We show that these three forms of regulations have a differentiated impact on the employment performance of those countries. Besides, these institutions act in an asymmetric way along the business cycle. Among the various findings lower employment protection leads to a substitution of permanent employees in favour of temporary ones with all unsignificant net effect on the total; looser fixed term contracts regulations have a beneficial effect on young temporary as well as permanent employment; flexible temporary work agencies regulations have a positive impact on temporary employment, while possibly redicing permanent employment.

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