Autori: Esposti, Roberto, Pierani, Pierpaolo
Titolo: Building the knowledge stock: lags, depreciation and uncertainty in agricultural R&D.
Periodico: Università degli studi di Ancona. Dipartimento di Economia. Quaderni
Anno: 2001 - Volume: 1 - Fascicolo: 145 - Pagina iniziale: 1

The search for an appropriate methodology to analyse the relation between R&D investments and the knowledge stock is the main purpose of the paper. The high estimates of internal rates of return on agricultural R&D reported in the literature suggest that there are major empirical problems with the traditional attribution of productivity growth to R&D investments. We model a stochastic gestation lag of research investment and a geometric depreciation of the knowledge stock. This model of knowledge accumulation from R&D investments outlines the basic parameters underlying the investment lag structure. According to the different types of research project, the approach is applied to public R&D expenditure in Italian agriculture in order to ascertain the empirical consequences and potential of the model.

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