4.0 Technological Revolution and Economic Competitiveness: Unexpected Opportunities for Peripheral Areas |
Advanced Manufacturing Technology and the Demand for Tasks and Skills in Emilia-Romagna, Italy |
The Effects of Industry 4.0 for Firms and Territories: Introducing the Special Issue |
The Entrepreneurial Discovery Process between Relatedness and Institutional Agency. Some evidence from the case of Tuscany |
Industry 4.0 Adoption in Manufacturing SMEs: Exploring the Role of Industry and Regional Scale in Northern Italy |
Industry 4.0 for Product and Process Innovation. The Case of the Mechanical Cluster of Friuli Venezia Giulia |
On the Territorial Embeddedness of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Literature Review about How Industry 4.0 Meets Industrial Districts |
Recensioni/Book Review |
Analysis of the Regional Disparities in Russia through STATIS Methodology |
Italy Is in the Air(bnb). The Uneven Diffusion of Short-Term Rental Markets between Urban Locations and Selective Tourism Destinations |
Patrimonio culturale, turismo e crescita economica locale: una conferma empirica della loro interazione |
Recensioni/Book Review |
Scenari demografici per le aree interne e indicazioni di policy. I casi italiano e toscano |
Tourist Taxes in Italy: The Choices of the Policy Makers and the Preferences of Tourists |
Le filiere produttive nei distretti industriali lette attraverso i flussi di pagamento tra imprese |
Introduction to the Special Issue. «Recent Developments in the Geography of Discontent» |
The Italian Geography of Discontent |
L'efficacia del piano urbanistico nella prospettiva dei decisori: la percezione degli amministratori comunali lombardi |
Place-Based Policies and Political Discontent: The Mediating Role of Local Spending Programmes |
The Populist Outbreak and the Role of Institutional Quality in European Regions |
Recensioni/Book Review |
The Economic Benefits of Eliminating the Regulatory Restrictiveness of Heavily Regulated Business Services in the European Union |
The Economic Potential of the Third Strand of the Investment Plan for Europe: A General Equilibrium Assessment |
Editorial. The Importance of the Regional Dimension in Economic Modelling Studies for Policy Impact Assessment in Europe |
Involuntary Non-Standard Employment and Regional Impacts in Greece |
Modelling the Effects of R&I and Low-Carbon European Structural Funds: The Case of Apulia, Italy |
Who Pays More? Heterogeneity in Effective VAT Rates Across Native and Migrant Households |