Bacchini, Fabio,
Valentino, Pietro A.,
Iannaccone, RobertoTitolo:
A proposal to measure the impact of culture for sustainable developmentPeriodico:
Economia della culturaAnno:
2024 - Fascicolo:
2/3 - Pagina iniziale:
267 - Pagina finale:
284The importance of culture as a multifaceted concept in fostering both human well-being and development sustainability has been increasingly recognized in recent literature and policy discussions. However, while the connections between culture and well-being, and those between culture and sustainability, have been studied separately, there remains a need for a more integrated approach that examines these relationships simultaneously. Such an approach would enable for the development of more comprehensive definitions and indicators. Our objective is to contribute to this debate by proposing a methodology suited to exploring the interplay among culture, well-being and sustainable over time. According to the available data, we propose the estimation of both a panel model and a dynamic factor mode thereby extending previous analysis, mainly based on cross-sectional data. By broadening the empirical evidence, our study provides an important contribution toward a comprehensive framework able to describe the implicit connections among these three dimensions.
SICI: 1122-7885(2024)2/3<267:APTMTI>2.0.ZU;2-N
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