Parziale, Fiorenzo Titolo:
La 'rivenducazione' come bene comune. Il caso della Rete delle Scuole Popolari di RomaPeriodico:
Scuola democratica : strategie educative e territorioAnno:
2024 - Volume:
36 - Fascicolo:
3 - Pagina iniziale:
493 - Pagina finale:
511Through an articulated five-year analytical perspective that draws on Gramscian analysis, particularly in the declination given to it by the Birmingham School of Cultural Studies, this paper focuses on the case of the Network of Popular Schools in Rome (Zizioli et al., 2024). In line with what has been found in other national and international studies (Yates, 2015; Della Porta, 2020), the activists of this network combine the 'mutualism' practised mainly by the 'antagonist left' (Alteri, 2014; Bosi e Zamponi, 2022) with practices of critical pedagogy (Giroux, 2020). To understand this interesting combination, this paper proposes the category of 'demanducation', showing how popular education reflects the progressive construction within a part of civil society of counter-hegemonic practices (Hall, 1986), addressed to transforming education into a common good.
SICI: 1129-731X(2024)36:3<493:L'CBCI>2.0.ZU;2-Y
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