Leonardi, Emanuele,
Scirchio, FedericoTitolo:
I movimenti per la giustizia climatica tra Just Transition e scenari di guerraPeriodico:
Politica & societàAnno:
2024 - Volume:
38 - Fascicolo:
3 - Pagina iniziale:
437 - Pagina finale:
454In tight continuity with an article appeared in Politica & Società 3/2021, this paper investigates the recent developments of climate justice movements along two main social dynamics: i) the convergence of mobilization for climatic stabilization and workers’ struggle (particularly, but not exclusively, against relocations) in the name of Just Transition; ii) the emergence of a global war scenario that appears incompatible with any form of ecological transition and that forces climate justice to assume a geopolitical stance that profoundly alters its horizon, in both discursive and practical terms.
SICI: 2240-7901(2024)38:3<437:IMPLGC>2.0.ZU;2-1
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