Autori: Breschi, Marco, Manfredini, Matteo, Fornasin, Alessio
Titolo: Peasant families and farm size in Fascist Italy
Periodico: Genus
Anno: 2024 - Volume: 80 - Fascicolo: 5 - Pagina iniziale: 1 - Pagina finale: 18

This article looks at the key factors affecting the connection between peasant family size and farm size in Italy in 1930–1931. The association between farm size and family size was analyzed using a new dataset merging data drawn from both the Population Census of 1931 and the Census of Agriculture of 1930. We found a strict association between peasant family size, here considered as a production unit, and the surface area of the farm. The results seem to correspond to different causal relationship between family size and farm size according to access to land, and form of tenure. In some contexts, where sharecropping was widespread, farm size defines the size of the family. In others where small land ownership prevailed, it seems that family size shapes the size of the farm. In this study we propose a new explanation for peasant family size in the Fascist period. This is done adopting a cross-sectional perspective, providing a geographical analysis based on the 786 agrarian areas that formed the national territory in that period.

SICI: 0016-6987(2024)80:5<1:PFAFSI>2.0.ZU;2-V
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