Autori: Bruno, Maria Giuseppina, Fusco, Gaetano, Patri, Stefano, Scarpitti, Maria Rita, Colombaroni, Chiara, Falaguasta, Carolina
Titolo: Pay as you drive insurance e crono-urbanismo:il tempo come variabile strategica
Periodico: Annali del Dipartimento di metodi e modelli per l'economia, il territorio e la finanza
Anno: 2023 - Volume: 24 - Pagina iniziale: 1 - Pagina finale: 16

Within the general class of Pay As You Drive car insurance policies, in this work wepropose a Time-Based policy, in which car use is measured in terms of time spentdriving. In particular, we explain how time-based ratemaking can contribute to a betterpersonalization of a premium, with consequential advantages for the insurance com-pany and the policyholder, but at the same time, it can represent a useful nudging toolto reduce dependency on cars and contribute to the achievement of sustainable mo-bility goals, and therefore environmental sustainability, according to modern chrono-urbanism models. We also show the results of an analysis carried out on mobility datain the city of Rome, which provide some initial information on the link between timeand risk, useful both for pricing these policies and for identifying their potential markettarget and the infrastructural and behavioral aspects that can influence their effectiveuse as an incentive and stimulus for a more conscious use of transport means

SICI: 2385-0825(2023)24<1:PAYDIE>2.0.ZU;2-J
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