Autori: Nigro, Claudio, Iannuzzi, Enrica, Lurgi, Michelangelo, Curiello, Simona, Spinnato, Rosa
Titolo: A concrete action system in shaping an organizational field for roots tourism exploitation.The case study of “Rete Destinazione Sud”
Periodico: Sinergie
Anno: 2024 - Volume: 42 - Fascicolo: 124 - Pagina iniziale: 109 - Pagina finale: 137

Frame of the research: Roots Tourism (RT) is a rapidly growing socio-economic trend among travellers, tourists and immigrants searching for a connection with their ancestral locus. In order to capitalize on the opportunities presented by this socio-economic phenomenon, it is essential to implement a series of processes involving a range of actors. These processes, overseen by one or more institutional entrepreneur, facilitate the formation of a concrete action system. Purpose of the paper: The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the relational dynamics among actors playing a central role in the institutionalization of an organizational field to exploit the opportunities deriving from RT. The work presents a case study of a concrete project aimed at fostering the Southern Italian tourism destination, focused on a relationship model of value co-creation though multi-level agents’ engagement, coordinated by an Institutional Entrepreneur, using a fitting case-study singled out as “Rete Destinazione Sud” Methodology: The paper adopts the “descriptive” epistemological paradigm. Through the lens of the neo-institutional theoretical framework, the case study analysis tries to define how it is possible to recognize the Institutional Work carried out by the Institutional Entrepreneur, in shaping a Concrete Action System (CAS) aimed at fostering touristic development. Results: Through this study, a strong interplay between institutional and local actors emerges, to develop a new way to network - in a bottom-up and top-down synergy -, coordinated by an Institutional Entrepreneur. Research limitations: The interactions and dynamics within a CAS are multifaceted, opaque and, not easily observable or quantifiable. This complexity poses a challenge for scholars attempting to analyze these systems. Here an adopted descriptive approach has limitations, insofar as it may emphasize a detailed understanding of the parts of a system without necessarily providing a full interpretation of the dynamic relationships and mutual influences among these components. A comprehensive epistemological paradigm might well contribute to understanding motivations and interests activating the actors involved in shaping a CAS. Managerial implications: Following the neo-institutionalist perspective, the work aims to shed light on how and to what extent a CAS is involved in the organizational and multi-stakeholder configuration. This approach provides a comprehensive framework relying on a critical analysis of institutions, identification of incentives and disincentives for the actors involved in building coalitions, promoting the institutional learning.

SICI: 0393-5108(2024)42:124<109:ACASIS>2.0.ZU;2-H
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