Autore: Santoro, Priscilla
Titolo: «Io stesso non ho nessuna razza». Antonio Gramsci e Tatiana Schucht sui "due mondi"
Periodico: La cultura
Anno: 2024 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 205 - Pagina finale: 220

The paper focuses on Antonio Gramsci’s reflections on the socio-cultural condition of Jews in 1930s Italy. Since the conversation started by Tatiana Schucht through correspondence provides the opportunity for this mostly asystematic nucleus of thoughts, the analysis begins with the reception of Ewald André Dupont’s I due mondi and examines the historical, economic and social perspectives of the discourse, especially from the philosopher’s cultural perspective. The essay concludes by distinguishing between the reflections resulting from Piero Sraffa’s intervention and the subsequent conclusions that finally brought to the Prison Notebooks.

SICI: 0393-1560(2024)2<205:«SNHNR>2.0.ZU;2-J
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