Autori: Miedico, Melissa, Dellagiacoma, Maria, Gerbaudo, Marco, Ventura, Lucia
Titolo: Accesso ai diritti e educazione alla cittadinanza attiva in contesti di vulnerabilità. L’esperienza delle cliniche legali di San Siro e Uasi avviate dall’Università Bocconi
Periodico: Rivista di filosofia del diritto
Anno: 2024 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 125 - Pagina finale: 138

Since 2019, Bocconi University has launched a legal clinic project which performs experimental activities on various legal issues embedded in different contexts. This report focuses on two experiences characterised by a common modus operandi towards subjects in vulnerable conditions. Such experiences, designed to perform learning-by-doing activities with students and to provide legal support to vulnerable persons, are contributing to the Third mission of the university. The present article intends to briefly describe the clinics at San Siro and Uasi with a focus on their front-desk activities, highlighting the great potential of their intervention, the possibility of adapting their model considering the emergencies they face, their impact on the lives of the vulnerable persons targeted and at high risk of exclusion from access to rights, without neglecting the critical issues that have emerged in these years of experience. Finally, the authors will outline how the interview, which is a key and very delicate moment in the encounter with people in need, is conducted.

SICI: 2280-482X(2024)1<125:AADEEA>2.0.ZU;2-V
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