Autore: Buffa, Matteo
Titolo: La geopolitica clinica nell’educazione clinico-legale. L’epistemologia del margine tra cliniche e protezione internazionale
Periodico: Rivista di filosofia del diritto
Anno: 2024 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 115 - Pagina finale: 124

Clinical legal method of teaching Law, confronted with the instability of reality, especially in the context of migration and international protection, calls for greater awareness in its practices to avoid “theoretical mistreatmentµ. Moving beyond legal positivism, it is possible starting from the renounce to those pre-determined schemes that, although innovative, risk to cage again subjects in reductionist evaluations of credibility, way before their existential and human significance. Clinical geopolitics, at the encounter with the epistemology of the margin(s), shows how clinical-legal public engagement must be more aware of living and acting in a shared field, built by encounters, clashes, trespasses.

SICI: 2280-482X(2024)1<115:LGCNCL>2.0.ZU;2-M
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