Autori: Baccelli, Luca, Del Punta, Riccardo, Mari, Giovanni
Titolo: Persona e lavoro tra tutele e mercato. Per una nuova ontologia del lavoro nel discorso giuslavoristico di Michele Tiraboschi
Periodico: Iride
Anno: 2021 - Volume: 93 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 447 - Pagina finale: 471

Luca Baccelli, Riccardo Del Punta and Giovanni Mari discuss Michele Tiraboschi’s Persona e lavoro tra tutele e mercato. Per una nuova ontologia del lavoro nel discorso giuslavoristico (2019). Baccelli critically analyses Tiraboschi’s work, which assumes as given some of the main transformation occurred in the labour market without taking into account their relationship with the increasing inequality of political and economical power distribution between work and capital and their impact on workers’ identity. Del Punta emphasizes the pragmatical dimension of Tiraboschi’s perspective, which aims to import the constitutional protections for the worker within the market instead of refusing the market itself. Mari focuses on the deep transformations of the relationship between autonomous work of the person involved in an enterprise and the market and on their implications for the labour law

SICI: 1122-7893(2021)93:2<447:PELTTE>2.0.ZU;2-J
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