Kurcani, Klaudia Titolo:
La riproduzione dei beni culturali: la tutela del bene alla prova della liberalizzazione della sua immaginePeriodico:
Aedon (Online)Anno:
2023 - Fascicolo:
2 - Pagina iniziale:
146 - Pagina finale:
159The article deals with the issue related to the reproduction of cultural property. It examines the current discipline on the reproduction of cultural property and dwells on the functions of protection and enhancement of cultural property, also in light of the phenomena of digitization. The article focuses then on the liberalization of the image of cultural heritage. The goal requires a reform of the system that goes in the direction of strengthening the enhancement and enjoyment of the heritage. This choice would also not go to endanger the tangible and intangible value of cultural property.
SICI: 1127-1345(2023)2<146:LRDBCL>2.0.ZU;2-I
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