Autore: Vicarelli, Giovanna
Titolo: DM 77: quale sviluppo per l'assistenza territoriale?
Periodico: Politiche Sociali
Anno: 2022 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 563 - Pagina finale: 568

Ministerial Decree (MD) 77, issued in June 2022 tends to address and resolve three critical nodes of public territorial assistance. They concern the lack of uniform provision throughout the country of the essential levels of care (LEAs); the limited development of territorial services, especially in the less virtuous Regions; the lack of flexibility of these services in relation to the population’s care and health needs, with particular regard to chronic/fragility and disability conditions. The aim of the MD is to define uniform models and standards for the development of territorial care in the National Health Service (NHS). The underlying principles are those of Law 833 (universality, equality and equity). In addition, three other principles have been added according to which the new system must be: close to the community, designed for people and with people. On the whole, the MD 77 presents itself as a fundamental point in the reorganization, in terms of uniformity, of the NHS, not without major problems in its application

SICI: 2284-2098(2022)3<563:D7QSPL>2.0.ZU;2-E
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