Autore: Maccelli, Francesco
Titolo: Progresso tecnico e trasformazione del lavoro: Regno Unito e Italia (1871-2011)
Periodico: Passato e presente
Anno: 2022 - Fascicolo: 117 - Pagina iniziale: 77 - Pagina finale: 97

Economic growth and the occupations are influenced by technological change and, historically, by the many industrial revolutions. This article fits within this research context, and uses the occupations category in population censuses as a means of developing our historical understanding of societal evolution in Italy and the UK. The occupational data are used to study the processes of labour polarisation identified in the secondary literature as a consequence of the growth in ICT. The article therefore makes a contribution to the debate on the effects of technological progress over the last thirty years.

SICI: 1120-0650(2022)117<77:PTETDL>2.0.ZU;2-E
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