Autore: Baldo Gentile, Joel Osea
Titolo: A Sensory Information Protocol for a Computational Embodiment
Periodico: Reti, saperi, linguaggi
Anno: 2022 - Volume: 17 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 177 - Pagina finale: 196

In this paper, a computational version of the embodied paradigm will be presented, in order to formulate a compatibilist position based on three theoretical assumptions: 1) Information theory can still be used to describe cognition, even that defined as «embodied», and this has repercussions for the philosophy of mind; 2) Implementation of bodily constraints in computational models is possible; 3) Integration of low-level sensory information is a necessary condition for hight-level cognition. Then, the classical paradigm of computation will be analysed and compared with the new computational paradigms today, unraveling some of the misunderstandings that cognitive science has encountered in recent years. Next, a computation based on body constraints will be defined, the consequence of which will be identified in a multimodal sensory computation. A sensory information protocol will be the tool for deciphering the rules by which cognitive information integrates to create coherent representations of itself and the world.

SICI: 2279-7777(2022)17:1<177:ASIPFA>2.0.ZU;2-I
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