Ferragina, Anna Maria,
Boccia, Marinella,
Iandolo, StefanoTitolo:
Follow the cloud! The impact of ICT on Italian provinces’ tradePeriodico:
Economia e politica industrialeAnno:
2022 - Volume:
49 - Fascicolo:
4 - Pagina iniziale:
667 - Pagina finale:
690This study investigates the role of digital capacities in the internationalisation processes of Italian provinces using a panel dataset built upon the territorial statistical
database of ISTAT (Italian National Institute of Statistics) for the period 2014–2017.
The purpose is to explore the link between three internationalisation indicators
(export value, export intensity and export in most dynamics sectors) and two ICT
drivers (use of e-business digital technologies, such as cloud computing, and use of
social media) expected to enable frms to share information along the supply chain
and to ease frms’ communication and fxed cost investment. To purge the analysis
from unobserved determinants of export performance and ICT adoption reverse causation problems, the identifcation relies on an instrumental variables approach that
addresses the endogeneity of our two variables of interest related to ICT. The results
show a signifcant relationship between the ICT capacities related to cloud adoption
and our export indicators confrming the role of e-business digital technologies in
explaining the export performance of Italian provinces. The use of social media also
appears weakly able to impact on the export performances indicators. These results
are robust to our endogeneity checks.
SICI: 0391-2078(2022)49:4<667:FTCTIO>2.0.ZU;2-M
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