Autore: Marcon, Giulio
Titolo: The topic is investigated in this article starting from the political and international context of such mobilisations. The roots of the protest are found in the values, ideas and identities of peace activists, and a reconstruction is provided of major mobilizations, of the novel forms of struggle and of the ability to develop alternative policy frameworks for addressing conflicts. The overall impact of peace campaigns on politics, in the short and long term, is finally considered
Periodico: Parolechiave
Anno: 2022 - Volume: 67 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 135 - Pagina finale: 144

The topic is addressed considering the evolution of the Italian peace movements and the political cultures that have emerged. Confronting the ‘new wars’ rooted in nationalism, as in the case of former Yugoslavia, and the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the peace movements have developed a broader understanding of the roots of conflicts, of the global dimension of military threats, of the importance of direct actions of solidarity with war victims. Such visions have emerged again in 2022, when Italy experienced widespread mobilisations against the war in the Ukraine

SICI: 1122-5300(2022)67:2<135:TTIIIT>2.0.ZU;2-N
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