Autore: Hollier, Denis
Titolo: Le ambiguità di Bataille. Tre incidenze sul politico
Periodico: Estetica
Anno: 2022 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 523 - Pagina finale: 534

Unproductive expenditure is opposed to a bourgeois world in which even expenditure has its aim, useful or functional to the economy of the system. Ambiguously, and in a political way, however, Bataille seems to seek beyond the «classic» opposition between means and purposes. Beyond the usefulness of the bourgeois world of work, the Ariadne’s Thread leads to an end-less (in-finite) labyrinth. By a close confrontation between Nietzsche and the figure of Don Giovanni, (through the pages of Story of the Eye and The Blue of Sky) it would no longer be a question of evading the castration (the Law of Father) opening to a proletarian and hypersexual transgression (a Don Giovanni minor). Instead, in a more complex scheme, again starting from a Freud’s reading, it’s in an accepted castration that it becomes possible to access a finally sexed body

SICI: 2039-6635(2022)3<523:LADBTI>2.0.ZU;2-9
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