Autori: Songini, Lucrezia, Morelli, Chiara, Petrolo, Damiano
Titolo: Le fonti della resilienza organizzativa nelle imprese familiari: uno studio esplorativo
Periodico: ImpresaProgetto
Anno: 2022 - Volume: 2022 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 1 - Pagina finale: 22

Family firms are well known for being a unique form of organisation. For this reason, this work aims to explore and deepen knowledge and understanding of an issue that is still little analysed: organisational resilience in family firms. Specifically, this work explores the sources of organisational resilience. Through a qualitative multiple case study approach based on three Italian family firms, the role of technology, external stakeholders and owners’ beliefs and entrepreneurial traits is analysed. The results of the present study revealed that three main types of factors play a crucial role in developing the organisational resilience of family firms: owners' entrepreneurial beliefs and traits, relationships with external and local stakeholders, and organisational resources (technology, managerial mechanisms, and professional managers). Without claiming to offer an exhaustive picture of organisational resilience in family firms, this research offers some food for thought and represents a starting point for future research on organisational resilience in family firms.

SICI: 1824-3576(2022)2022:3<1:LFDRON>2.0.ZU;2-
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