Autori: Lovison, Gianfranco, Di Maria, Chaira, Abbruzzo, Antonino
Titolo: Networks as mediating variables: a Bayesian latent space approach
Periodico: Statistical methods & applications : Journal of the Italian Statistical Society
Anno: 2022 - Volume: 31 - Fascicolo: 4 - Pagina iniziale: 1015 - Pagina finale: 1035

The use of network analysis to investigate social structures has recently seen a rise due to the high availability of data and the numerous insights it can provide into different fields. Most analyses focus on the topological characteristics of networks and the estimation of relationships between the nodes. We adopt a different perspective by considering the whole network as a random variable conveying the effect of an exposure on a response. This point of view represents a classical mediation setting, where the interest lies in estimating the indirect effect, that is, the effect propagated through the mediating variable. We introduce a latent space model mapping the network into a space of smaller dimension by considering the hidden positions of the units in the network. The coordinates of each node are used as mediators in the relationship between the exposure and the response. We further extend mediation analysis in the latent space framework by using Generalised Linear Models instead of linear ones, as previously done in the literature, adopting an approach based on derivatives to obtain the effects of interest. A Bayesian approach allows us to get the entire distribution of the indirect effect, generally unknown, and compute the corresponding highest density interval, which gives accurate and interpretable bounds for the mediated effect. Finally, an application to social interactions among a group of adolescents and their attitude toward substance use is presented.

SICI: 1618-2510(2022)31:4<1015:NAMVAB>2.0.ZU;2-U

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