Scialdone, Antonello,
Parisi, NicolettaTitolo:
Per un monitoraggio civico del Pnrr. Una nota su trasparenza e spazi della società civilePeriodico:
Autonomie locali e servizi socialiAnno:
2022 - Fascicolo:
2 - Pagina iniziale:
331 - Pagina finale:
348The paper firstly deals with the topic of the contribution that participatory democracy tools offer in terms of enhancing social capital and the efficiency of the national public administration. Secondly, it tackles this topic in light of the needs arised from the execution of the (Italian) National Reprise and Recovery Plan, identifying in the monitoring activity the most useful tool to give transparency to the execution of the Plan itself. Finally, it identifies the first initiatives on the subject that emerged from Italian civil society, including the LIBenter Project, promoted by the Catholic University S.H. and other institutions and based upon fruitful cooperation between research centres and civil society organizations.
SICI: 0392-2278(2022)2<331:PUMCDP>2.0.ZU;2-#
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