Autori: Bacchini, Fabio, Iannaccone, Roberto
Titolo: L'evoluzione della disciplina negli articoli di Economia della Cultura
Periodico: Economia della cultura
Anno: 2021 - Fascicolo: 4 - Pagina iniziale: 551 - Pagina finale: 558

Economia della Cultura offers an authoritative panorama on the analysis of the economic dimension of cultural heritage, live entertainment and cultural industries, both in Italy and internationally. On the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary, a reading of the approximately 1,600 titles of the articles released since 1997 is proposed to highlight changes over time in the topics covered. The technique used is that of the word cloud whose application highlights, among the titles analyzed, a progressive use of the English language and a reorientation of items from heritage or performing arts towards emerging markets / products such as audiovisual and digital. And, together, it underlines the ability to analyze new emergencies such as COVID.

SICI: 1122-7885(2021)4<551:LDDNAD>2.0.ZU;2-S
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